This time the Management Series Webinar activity is a Master of Management Study Program which is part of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Hayam Wuruk University, Perbanas. In addition, the important point of this webinar is how effective GCG, Risk Management, and Compliance are. This event was attended by our resourc... Detail
There are many things that need to be learned, especially by Jobseekers who are struggling to get their dream job for the future. Work is not always based on Passion. There are other things that are more important, which in the future will lead you to become a better person in carrying out your responsibilities in the work environment. That is p... Detail
Don't forget to listen to the Interesting Talkshow of the Master of Management Study Program with Suara Muslim on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 08.00... ... Detail
The Master of Management Study Program at Hayam Wuruh University Perbanas formerly STIE Perbanas Surabaya again held a New Student Orientation (ORMABA) on campus for Class 31 online via Zoom Meeting. This is done because the covid pandemic has not gone away so that in anticipation of no new clusters will ari... Detail
Saturday, March 12, 2021 At 10.00 WIB, the Master of Management at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University held the inauguration of the Management of the Postgraduate Student Association (HIMAPAS) for the 2022/2023 period online via Zoom Meeting. These two periods of inauguration with a vi... Detail