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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Jember, Indonesia (1989)
  2. Master of Science, Faculty of Economics snd Business, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia (1996)
  3. Doctor in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia (2007)
# Profesional Certification
  1. Certified Financial Planner from Financial Planning Standard Boards-FPSB (2021)
  2. Certified Professional Financial Management-ESAS Management (2022)
# Professional Training
  1. Workshop Outcome Based Education – AUN QA (2019)
  2. Training on Drafting Examination Questions – FPSB (2022)
# Organizational experience
  1. Director of Magister Management, STIE Perbanas (2010-2014)
  2. Director of Research and Community Service, STIE Perbanas (2014-2018)
# Expertise
  1. Personal Financial Planning
  2. Behavioral Finance
  3. Company Financial Performance
# Award & Recognition
  1. Editor in Chief of Journal Business and Banking (2022-now)
  2. Editorial Board of IDEI-Journal Economics and Business (2020-now)
  3. Assessor of Research Grants at the Directorate of Higher Education (2016-2018)
# Publication
  1. Al Kholilah, Naila., & Iramani, Rr. (2013). Studi financial management behavior pada masyarakat Surabaya. Journal Business and Banking, 3 (1)
  2. Kartika, Nadia., & Iramani, Rr. (2013). Pengaruh overconfidence, experience, emotion terhadap risk perception dan risk attitude pada investor pasar modal di surabaya. Journal Business and Banking, 5 (2)
  3. Wulandari, Dewi Ayu., & Iramani, Rr. (2014). Studi experienced regret, risk tolerance, overconfidance dan risk perception pada pengambilan keputusan investasi Journal Business and Banking, 4 (1)
  4. Lutfi, L., Silvy, M., & Iramani, R. (2014). The role of board of commissioners and transparency in improving bank operational efficiency and profitability. Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura, 17(1), 81-90.
  5. Novianto, Andi., & Iramani, Rr. (2015). Pengaruh keputusan keuangan, struktur kepemilikan, dan tingkat suku bunga terhadap nilai perusahaan property dan real estate yang go public Journal Business and Banking, 5 (1)
  6. Rahmah, Putri Asiza Agustien., & Iramani, Rr (2015). Pengaruh corporate social responsibility pada kinerja keuangan perusahaan pertambangan. Journal Business and Banking, 5 (2)
  7. Iramani, Rr., Suryani,T., Lindiawati (2017). SME’s Financial Literacy: An Overview Based On Demographic Aspect. Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura, 20 (3),
  8. Iramani, Fauzi, A. A., Wulandari, D. A., & Lutfi. (2018). Financial literacy and business performances improvement of micro, small, medium-sized enterprises in East Java Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 9(4), 303-323. Scopus Q4.
  9. Amri, Anjar Faishal., & Iramani, Rr. (2018) Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan tehadap Kinerja UMKM di Surabaya. Journal Business and Banking, 8 (1),
  10. Putri, Indhira., & Iramani, Rr. (2018). Studi Good Corporate Governance dan kinerja saham perusahaan publik pada sektor manufaktur di Indonesia. Journal Business and Banking, 9 (1),
  11. Iramani, Rr., Mongid A., & Muazaroh. (2018), Positive contribution of the good corporate governance to stability and performance : evidence from Indonesia. Problem and Perspective Management. 18(2). Scopus Q3.
  12. Saputri, Fakhriyah Arfianti., & Iramani, Rr. (2020). Pengaruh literasi keuangan, nilai pribadi dan sikap terhadap perencanaan keuangan di Surabaya. Journal Business and Banking. 9(1)
  13. Pramestiningrum, Dyah Regita., & Iramani, Rr. (2020). Pengaruh literasi keuangan, financial capital, kebijakan pemerintah terhadap kinerja usaha pada usaha kecil dan menengah di Jawa Timur. Journal Business and Banking. 9(2)
  14. Mongid, A., Iramani. Rr. & Muazaroh (2020). Value Creation In The Listed Banks:Do Governance Matter?". International Journal of Business and Society. 21(2). Scopus Q3.
  15. Iramani, Rr., & Lutfi, L. (2021). An integrated model of financial well-being: The role of financial behavior. Accounting, 7(3), 691-700. Scopus Q3.
  16. Mardianah, Anisa & Iramani, Rr. (2021). Model Hubungan Literasi, Pengalaman dan Perilaku Pengelolaan Keuangan Keluarga: Peran Niat Berperilaku Sebagai Mediasi. Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan. 10(2)
  17. Ismawati, Ismawati., & Iramani, Rr., (2022). Peran locus of control pada pengujian model perencanaan dana pensiun karyawan sektor swasta di Surabaya. Journal Business and Banking. 11(2)

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