LD Fitrani, NHU Dewi, Gunasti H, AK Riqqoh, L Purnamasari (2022) Pendampingan pembuatan dan implementasi konten social media campaign dalam meningkatkan Brand Awareness UMKM, GERVASI, Vol.6, No.2 ISSN: 2598-6155, hal 464-476
E. Herlina, G Hudiwinarsih, SH Awan, Z Zakiah (2021) Peningkatan Kemampuan Wirausaha dengan Pendampaingan dan Pemberdayaan Kelompok Usaha Sablon “Salam” melalui Strategi Pemasaran Modern dan Job Order Costing, Jurnal Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KeDayMas) Vol1, No,1, 25-34, ISSN: 2774-521
Gunasti H,. (2020). The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in Improving Corporate Value: Case Study of Public Companies in Indonesia, International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies Vol.9 No.3, 2020, ISSN:2417-4486,page 121-130
Supriyati, G Hudiwinarsih, Muazaroh (2020) Pendampingan Pembukuan Sederhana Bagi Usaha Kerajinan Enceng Gondok dan UMKM Pemula di Surabaya, J-Dinamika Vol.5,No.2, pp 158-163, ISSN : 2503-1112
Gunasti H (2019) Teacher Motivation of Corporate Social Responsibility in improving Corporate Value Case Study of Public Company in Indonesia, SMCC Higher Education Research Journal, Vol 6 no.1, 2019, page 49-66
Mayke Kristika AP, Gunasti H (2018) Analysis of Factors that Influence Tax Avoidance and Firm Value, The Indonesian Accounting Review (TIAR) Vol..8, No.2, 2018, ISSN 2086-3802, page 203-215
Iqbal Bagus Prakoso, Gunasti H (2018) Analysis of Variables that Affect Tax Avoidance in Banking Sector Companies in Southeas Asia, The Indonesian accounting Review (TIAR) Vol.8, No.1, 2018 ISSN 2086-3802, page 102-120
Gunasti H, (2015) The Accounting students’perception towards accounting professions, The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol.5, No.2 ISSN 2086-3802,page179-186
A Budiyanto, G Hudiwinarsih, The Effect of Corporate Governance, and Firm Size on Company, The Indonesian Accounting Review (TIAR) Vol.5, No.1, 2015, ISSN 2086-3802, page 63-76