To become a leading Faculty of Economics and Business that has a competitive advantage in the field of technology-based business and banking with a global outlook.
The above vision has the following meanings:
Leading means that the Faculty of Economics and Business as the oldest Faculty at University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas aspires to be a leading Faculty in the field of business and banking based on information technology in the implementation of education and teaching, research and community service. At the national level, this leading is reflected in the achievement of A and Excellent accreditation in most of its Study Programs.
Competitive advantage in the field of business and banking based on information technology is a specific advantage that distinguishes the Faculty of Economics and Business at University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas from the Faculty of Business Economics of other universities. This advantage is reflected in the competence of graduates who are professionally certified so that most of them meet the requirements and demands of expertise in business also master the development of information technology. Lecturers and students of Faculty of Economics and Business University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas are proven to be able to produce research work that is utilized by business and industry and carry out community service activities to provide solutions and business development through the use of information technology. The curriculum and road map for research and community service that focuses on the development of business management and accounting, both conventional and based on Islamic values (sharia) and information technology, being a direction to ensure the uniqueness of the excellence that will be realized.
Having a global outlook means that the Faculty of Economics and Business at University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas in organizing education aspires to produce graduates, innovative works, carry out community service activities, cooperation and implement a globally oriented management system so that it can compete in a competitive life and with a very high degree of mutual benefit between nations (global). Graduates of the Faculty of Business Economics at University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas are expected to be able to compete at least at the Southeast Asian regional level. Research work and community service activities of lecturers are planned to be recognized in Southeast Asia and the international community.
Developing the potential of students so that they are able to become TOP (Trustworthy or trusted, Outstanding or superior, and Professional in the field of technology-based business and have a global outlook )
Creating works in the field of quality research and community service, which can contribute to the development of science and practice in the field of information technology-based business and improve the welfare of society.
Establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with institutions both national and abroad in the context of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
Realizing good faculty governance based on the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness.
In accordance with its vision and mission, the purpose to be achieved are:
1. Graduates who are TOP (Trustworthy or trusted, Outstanding or superior, and Professional in the field of technology
based business and global insight characterized by the ability:
a. Mastering concepts and theories in the field of business
b. Apply the concepts and theories in the world of practice with a global outlook
c. Analyze and provide suggestions for solving problems in the business field by utilizing information systems and
supporting technology.
d. Mastering additional knowledge, skills and expertise in the fields of information technology, foreign languages and
other financial services as a supporter of the profession being pursued
e. Have a friendly, communicative attitude, leadership spirit, and strong personality to support success in social life
while upholding the professional code of ethics.
2. The creation of quality works in the field of research and community service, which can make a contirbution to the
science development and practice in the field of information technology-based business and improve the welfare of
3. Establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with institutions both at home and abroad in the context of implementing
the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
4. The realization of good faculty governance based on the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility,
independence, and fairness.
Faculty culture will be reflected in the beliefs, values, habits and norms that are used as a guidance and already been agreed upon in carrying out various academic and non-academic activities. Faculty of Economics and Business culture refers to the culture developed by the university by focusing on values that become an important foundation in realizing Faculty of Economics and Business as a faculty that is Trustworthiness, Outstanding, and Professional (TOP = trusted, outstanding, and professional). The values developed are 3 P (Triple P), namely:
Continuous improvement means that in realizing the vision of the faculty, all managers, lecturers, and education staff as well as students always uphold the importance of continuous improvement in carrying out activities, the tri dharma of higher education, and in working. The motto "Today must be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today" is a value that is upheld.
Respect for others means that in carrying out the mission and realizing the formulated vision, all managers, lecturers, and education staff as well as students prioritize cooperation based on the value of respect for others. Collaboration and synergy will be created if based on respect for others.
Caring and environmentally friendly, meaning that the quality of the environment in faculties and universities is a shared responsibility, so all managers, lecturers, and education staff and students are obliged to protect and maintain the environment, which is based on the values of care, cleanliness, order, harmony, friendliness and friendship.
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