Perbanas Surabaya Holds PBM Evaluation for Odd Semester 2020/2021

Friday, 05 March 2021     View: 20363

Higher education continues to strive to maintain and improve the quality of learning. This is because the quality of learning becomes a benchmark in the success of implementing the teaching and learning process. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct an evaluation so that the atmosphere of PBM activities is always of good quality.

Perbanas Surabaya through the Academic Sector, Thursday, March 4, 2021 carried out an evaluation activity for the 2020/2021 Odd Semester PBM. This activity is carried out online, considering that it is still in the atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic. This evaluation activity is wrapped in the lecturer meeting agenda. Participants of this activity are all lecturers in the Perbanas Surabaya campus.

In his speech the Chairman of Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Sc., explained how Perbanas must continue to make efforts in achieving the institutional vision and mission. One of them is by continuing to maintain and improve the quality of PBM. He also reminded all lecturers not to forget their duties as lecturers through the higher education Tridarma program.

"Even though the tridarma activities of higher education in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic are mostly carried out online, lecturers must have innovations and new breakthroughs for the advancement of Perbanas Surabaya, he said. Finally, he also reminded the entire academic community of Perbanas Surabaya to play an active role in efforts to improve the reputation of Perbanas Surabaya on social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, and the website.

The main agenda for the evaluation of the PBM Odd Semester 2020/2021 is the presentation of the results of the PBM satisfaction questionnaire. This presentation was carried out by the Head of Academic Affairs at Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Drs. Emanuel Kristijadi, MM. In his presentation, he explained that there were several points in the PBM satisfaction questionnaire that got a red score. Some of these points include the accuracy of the teaching method, the objectivity of the assessments given and the regularity of returning answers.

The three points that get red marks become material for joint evaluation and discussion for the progress of PBM in the next semester. He also congratulated the lecturers who got high scores in the satisfaction questionnaire for the subject lecturers. Where the highest value of satisfaction with lecturers is achieved by the D3 Accounting study program with a score of 3,475.

At the end of his presentation, he urged the lecturers to prepare online PBM more thoroughly, follow the guidelines for the implementation of the online teaching and learning process, and comply with the rules of PBM online. (yhcp / hms)

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